
The focus of the research group is on the analysis and control of network systems. We put a joint effort in proposing and analyzing rigorous mathematical models as well in studying their range of applications to complex societal challenges. Our research is genuinely interdisciplinary and intersects with the engineering, statistical, social, economic, financial, and biological sciences. Our main activities include the analysis and control of static and dynamic models for infrastructure networks such as transposrtation and energy systems, diffusion and epidemic processes, evolutionary game theory, distributed learning and optimization algorithms, as well as applications in Artificial Intelligence.  For such large-scale network systems, we analyze equilibrium behaviors and transient performance, the emergence of global phenomena such as synchronization or polarization, resilience against exogenous shocks and cascading failure mechanisms, robust distributed control, and optimal intervention problems with limited resources. 

Research topics

  • Analysis and control of network systems in engineering, statistics and data science, social sciences, economics, finance, and epidemiology
  • Applications to socio-technical systems and cyber-physical systems 
  • Resilient control of infrastructure networks such as transportation and energy
  • Game theory and evolutionary dynamics
  • Distributed robust control, optimization, and learning algorithms
  • Network diffusion and epidemics.
  • Artificial Intelligence applications
  • Controllability, stability and stabilization of switched, hybrid, and quantized systems