Former members
Past Postdocs
- Mark Jeeninga, 2021-2023 now Post-Doc Fellow at Lund University
- Stephane Durand, 2019-2022, now Researcher at INRIA Sophia Antipolis
- Costanza Catalano, 2019-2020, now Researcher at Centro di Studi Banca d'Italia
- Rosario Maggistro, 2017-2018, now Assistant Professor at Università di Trieste
- Enrico Lovisari, 2012-2014, now Software Developer at Zenseact
Past PhD students
- Martina Vanelli, Game-theoretic models for auctions in electricity markets
(1.76 MB), defended in 2024, now Post-Doc Fellow at UCLouvain
- Laura Arditti, Game theoretic models of high order network interactions
(11.41 MB) , defended in 2023, now Financial Crime Prevention Data Analytics Officer at UBS
- Luca Damonte, Targeting interventions on Network Systems
(9.97 MB) , defended in 2023, now Post-Doc Fellow at Luiss University
- Leonardo Massai, Equilibria and Systemic Risk in Saturated Networks
(10.20 MB), defended in 2022, now Research Assistant at EPFL
- Leonardo Cianfanelli, Stability and network design of heterogeneous transportation systems
(1.14 MB), defended in 2022, now Research Assistant at Politecnico di Torino
- Gustav Nilsson, On Robust Distributed Control of Transportation Networks, defended in 2019, now Scientist at EPFL
- Lorenzo Zino, Diffusion Processes on Networks, defended in 2018, now Research Assistant at Politecnico di Torino
- Barbara Franci, Network Cooperative Models
(1.94 MB), defended in 2018, now Postdoctoral Fellow at Delft University of Technology
- Wilbert Samuel Rossi, Analysis and Control of the Linear Threshold Model of Cascades in Large-Scale Networks. A Local Mean-Field Approach, defended in 2015, now Assistant Professor at the University of Groningen
- Domenica Borra, Localization and optimization problems for camera networks, defended in 2013
- Chiara Ravazzi, Asymptotic analysis of turbo-like codes. Average spectra and minimum distances
(1.16 MB), defended in 2011, now researcher at CNR, Torino
- Sophie Fosson, Deconvolution of Quantized-Input Linear Systems: An Information-Theoretic Approach, defended in 2011, now Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Torino
- Paolo Frasca, Distributed optimization with communication constraints, defended in 2009, now Researcher at CNRS, Grenoble
- Federica Garin, Generalized serial turbo coding ensembles: analysis and design, defended in 2008, now Researcher at INRIA, Grenoble
Past Master Thesis Students
- Davide Sipione, On convexity and stability of multicommodity dynamical flow networks, defended on 25/10/2024
- Sergio Augusto Angelini, Game theoretical models for the day ahead electricity market, defended on 3/10/2023
- Alexia Ambrogio, Information Design in Bayesian Routing Games, defended on 24/03/2023.
- Davide Battaglia, SMaILE game: application of search and learning algorithm within combinatorial game theory, defended on 20/12/2022.
- Marco Ratta, Introducing fractionalization index in Balance theory, defended on 4/10/2022.
- Andrea Bertolini, Decentralized Algorithms for Multi-Agent Pathfinding, defended on 4/10/2022.
- Hafez Ghaemi, Decentralized Value-Based Reinforcement Learning in Stochastic Potential Games, defended on 29/07/2022.
- Tommaso Toso, Analysis of learning dynamics in heterogeneous routing games, defended on 5/10/2021.
- Francesco Zappia, Detecting Echo Chambers in social media; a graph-based approach, defended on 27/07/2021.
- Carmelo Riccardo Civello, Markovian modeling and simulations for the cost-public health return analysis of prevention campaigns, defended on 14/07/2021.
- Martina Alutto, Feedback Control Policies and Network Effects in Epidemics Models, defended on 19/03/2021.
- Raffaele Damiano, Discrete Bayesian Optimization algorithms and applications, defended on 30/11/2020.
- Roberta Raineri, Genetic Algorithms for Discrete Bayesian Optimization, defended on 30/11/2020.
- Silvia Canavesio, Population Markov models for the analysis of public health policies, defended on 30/11/2020.
- Michele Da Re, Distributed algorithms for autonomous target search problems, defended on 30/11/2020.
- Lucrezia Carboni, Network embedding for brain connectivity, defended on 5/10/2020.
- Anton Arbman Hansing, Public Goods on Networks : Statics, Welfare & Mechanisms, defended on 1/6/2020.
- Michele Rendine, Between Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: Connect-R, defended on 27/03/2020.
- Joseph Stanton, Study of Mutual Exclusion Invariants in Planning Processes, defended on 02/12/2019.
- Alessandra Lo Piano Rametta, Goal Recognition Design - Artificial intelligence techniques in surveillance problems, defended on 25/10/2019.
- Amani Ja’far, A Data-driven system for learning driver behaviors from IMU data, defended on 9/10/2019.
- Maria Castaldo, Centrality Maximization Game, defended on 8/10/2019.
- Martina Vanelli, On network games with coordinating and anti-coordinating agents, defended on 8/10/2019.
- Giulia Peluffo, Learning models and the wisdom of crowds, defended on 28/03/2019.
- Alessandro Mastrototaro, A mathematical model for the emergence of innovations, defended on 15/10/2018.
- Domenica Verbaro, Machine Learning for crash event detection from black-box data, defended on 15/10/2018.
- Simon Paulsson, Tuning Feedback-Based Traffic Signal Controls, defended on 21/9/2018.
- Luca Damonte, On Shocks in Economic Networks, defended on 17/9/2018.
- Rasmus Stålberg, On Robustness of Equilibria in Transportation Networks, defended on 12/9/2018.
- Isabelle Rosenberg, On Shock Propagation in Financial Networks, defended on 15/6/2018.
- Viktor Svensson, On Shock Propagation in Financial Networks, defended on 15/6/2018.
- Joakim Guth, On Distributed Maximization of Influence in Social Networks, defended on 11/10/2017.
- Christian Rosdahl, Distributed Control of Dynamic Flows in Traffic Networks, defended on 21/8/2017.
- Nicol ́as Bordonaba Mateos, On cascading failure models and robustness metrics in power networks, defended on 13/1/2016.
- Leonardo Massai, Stochastic models for heterogeneous opinion dynamics
(5.58 MB), defended on 30/3/2015.
- Gianluca Brero, Local Coordination-Global Congestion Network Dynamics, defended on 24/3/2014.
- Gustav Nilsson, A multi-commodity dynamical model for traffic networks, defended on 19/8/2013.